Isabelle's Chihuahua Chronicles

Monday, April 24, 2006

mommy's lazy!

Good Grief! My mommy is sooo lazy! She hasn't helped me get online for weeks! RRRRRR! I have so much to talk about!
First, my friend Bristow needs help! He's been plotting to make his great escape from his back yard. He tried digging, but his daddy blocked his efforts. Now he's thinking about catapulting out... I found this, I thought it might help !
Now I want everyone to see Charlie he's really cute, not as cute as Sammy though! "Tall Guy" belongs to him! Mommy said he had never had a pig's ear!!! Isn't that some kind of abuse! Sammy and I graciously gave up one our pig's ears so that Charlie could know the blissful joy of chewing on a pig's ear!

Oh and now, I think I've seen it all! Yesterday Sammy was pooping and he had a turd stuck to his butt and it just didn't want to release... Mommy went over to him and shook his butt and the turd fell to the ground! I thought that was soooo funny!
I think Mommy might be trying to kill "tall guy" on the bike... or at least that's what I hear him say. I think Mommy is nicer than that, but "tall guy" seems to think she's going to kill. He says she wants to ride too far... I don't know what too far is. All I know is he bought a big horn to put on his bike so he could honk at her! Mommy is going to put a cart on his bike and make him pull Sammy, I'm going to ride with Mommy in my pouch! I don't think he has agreed to this yet, we'll see. I guess he has to survive the 38 mile ride she has planned first. hee hee hee!
Last weekend Mommy and "tall guy" went to a party... Sam and I didn't get to go. NOT FAIR! Maybe if I had a fancy dress I could of gone, I think I would look cute in a fancy dress and high heels. Sammy and I could of gone and eaten the appetizers. I don't see anything wrong with that. None of the people there were eating them, they were afraid they might look like pigs, so they filled up before they got there! Sammy and I don't care, we would of eaten them anyway! "tall guy" also took a picture of Mommy petting Charlie, but Mommy wouldn't let me post it because it looks like her boob is hanging out and her eyes are closed! The Harry Winston diamond people were there too! I think "tall guy" should of bought me a diamond necklace, after I'm worth and I would look really cute with a diamond necklace. Mommy said there were guards around the diamonds.... Sammy and I could of taken care of them! I could of created a diversion and Sammy could of jumped on the table a snatched me a diamond necklace! Those stupid guards wouldn't of know what hit them! HA HA HA!
Well Sammy went to the Dr's today... I went with him for moral support! And treats! Sammy didn't have to get a shot in the eye today... he was glad about that! Dr Munger said he's doing really good and he doesn't have to take the glaucoma medicine anymore, but Mommy has to have it on hand... just in case! He also said Sammy could have a bath now!!!! Thank God cause he's starting to stink! Mommy made him an appointment for Friday!
Well I need to take a nap!
Lick Lick Lick Lick, Love Isa

Friday, April 07, 2006

breaking news!

I knew my brother Sammy was quite amazing the day he built a skyscraper, we referred to him as Sammy Trumph or "The Sammy" that day. It stood until Mommy scooped it up, she saves our poop in a big green container that men come by and pick up.... must be very special! Anyway, day before yesterday Sammy did this right before my eyes! I was impressed... I guess that's why Mommy calls him Sammy Lloyd Wright!
I think Tall Guy is coming over tonight..... I can lick him! hee hee! Maybe if he holds still I can get my tongue up his nose!
Sammy is doing real good, obviously, he didn't fall off the ledge while pooping, and he saw the ledge!!!
Gotta run, Nibbles Isa

Saturday, April 01, 2006

almost forgot...

Mommy's friends call the Tall Guy "Mr. McDreamy" like on Scrubs!!! Heee Heee! I think I will start writing my "letter to the editor".... maybe I will get published in a real paper!!!!
Nibbles Isa

just a thought....

"Tall Guy" is an editor at a newspaper.... I think I will write a letter to the editor!!!! Hee Hee! Maybe that will be a test! HEEE HEEE!